Fünf moderne, weiße Elektro-PKWs desselben Typs stehen in einer Reihe und laden gleichzeitig an einer futuristischen E-Ladestation ihre Batterien auf

Tier Mobility

Skalierung nachhaltiger Mobilitätslösungen

Das Ziel

Tier Mobility

Tier Mobility wollte seine Position als führendes Unternehmen für Elektromobilität in Europa stärken und mehr Nutzer in neuen Märkten gewinnen.
Tier ist ein Anbieter von Elektrorollern und Elektrofahrrädern, der darauf abzielt, die Mobilität in Städten nachhaltiger und effizienter zu gestalten. Das Unternehmen stand vor der Herausforderung, seine Expansion in neue Märkte zu beschleunigen.
Wir entwickelten eine zielgerichtete Content-Strategie und optimierten die SEO für internationale Suchanfragen. Zudem führten wir eine Social-Media-Kampagne durch, um die Einführung der Roller in neuen Städten zu begleiten.
Anstieg der App-Downloads in den neuen Märkten.
Mehr Nutzeranmeldungen innerhalb der ersten 6 Monate.
Steigerung der Markenbekanntheit in Europa.

"Working with Arthur was an absolute game-changer for Tier. His insight into our target audience and ability to create tailored content helped us significantly increase our app downloads by 50% within just six months. But it wasn't just the numbers that impressed us. Arthur truly understood our brand's vision for sustainable urban mobility and conveyed that through every piece of content. Moreover, his SEO expertise ensured that our website became more visible in our new markets, leading to a 40% increase in sign-ups. What really set Arthur apart was his genuine dedication to understanding our challenges and offering creative solutions that worked. We're thrilled with the outcomes and look forward to collaborating again."

Victoria Chang
Transition Marketing Strategy

"The synergy between Tier Mobility and Arthur Peter’s expertise in copywriting and digital marketing is unparalleled. Tier aimed to use a comprehensive digital strategy and targeted content to increase engagement with their app and drive users towards eco-friendly urban mobility solutions. By focusing on clear, concise messaging and creating campaigns that emphasize sustainability, Arthur helped Tier Mobility achieve a greater brand connection and long-term customer loyalty.

The collaboration was designed not only to enhance app downloads and user retention, but also to build brand affinity through content that reflects Tier’s values of environmental sustainability and urban innovation. The result? A successful alignment of digital engagement with Tier’s core brand identity, fostering both immediate user action and long-term loyalty.


The content campaigns were highly effective. With a significant increase in app downloads and a notable 35% rise in user engagement, Tier’s visibility skyrocketed across its key markets. Arthur’s copywriting and content strategies drove meaningful clickthrough rates, which led to a substantial boost in user sign-ups and in-app activities, helping Tier achieve one of its most important KPIs at a far more efficient cost than through other platforms.

Through a focus on sustainability messaging and urban innovation, Tier’s branding was elevated, reinforcing the company's commitment to eco-friendly solutions.

Learnings and Next Steps

Following the success of the first campaign, Tier Mobility is keen to leverage the insights gained from working with Arthur Peter to deepen their understanding of content-driven user engagement. By continuing to refine messaging and aligning it with their long-term goals of sustainability, Tier will focus on expanding brand loyalty while driving adoption of sustainable transportation across its service regions.

As Tier grows, the ongoing strategy will aim at balancing short-term growth metrics like app downloads with long-term brand building, ensuring that their values resonate deeply with users and lead to sustained adoption of green mobility solutions."

Screenshot of an App

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